Youth Knows No Pain | Lykke Li |

Youth Knows No Pain

Testo Youth Knows No Pain

Once again it‘s happening
All this love is unrequited
Twice the pain the suffering
All my love is unrequited
All my love is unrequited

That must mean I live again
And get back what I gave my men
Get back what I lost to them
All the shame this crying game
All my love I‘ve been denied and
All my love is unrequited

And I know it so well
I could play it by ear
Looking back at myself
While the violin play
[...] is my tomb [not sure what she says]
Another six to my womb
Another inch in this thread
And I know it all too well when
Once again it‘s happening

All my love has gone divided
All my love is unrequited
All my love is unrequited
All my love is unrequited
All my love is unrequited

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